Links/SG - old version - see new

Lists of online Gaelic dictionaries and Gaelic grammar websites are in the sidebar on the right.
Sidebar links open in the same page (this one). Links below open in a new tab/window.

Scottish Gaelic

Ceumannan @ Storlann - Online files for the Ceumannan series of books
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean - The Gaelic Books Council
Fòram na Gàidhlig - Scottish Gaelic community for learners and fluent speakers
Gaelic 4 Parents - Learning Gaelic with games, stories, audio, downloads 
Gàidhlig nan Òg - New Storlann website for parents/carers - check out the topics menu! 
Gaelic with Jason - Website - and - Gaelic with Jason YouTube Videos
Gàidhlig Gu Leòr - Scottish Gaelic Learning Clips & eSgoil N5 Lessons
Gàidhlig nan Òg - Early years resources for parents and carers
Gaelic Resource list at the Western Isles Council -- (Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Goireasan Gàidhlig-Gaelic Resources for GME parents-Gwen Culbertson on Padlet
Go!Gaelic Language Learning Resources from Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig
         Go!Gaelic Vimeo page for Cafaidh Lilidh and Core Language Videos
         Go!Gaelic Core Language Booklet
         Go!Gaelic How Our Language Works Booklet 
Island Voices - Guthan nan Eilean
Resources for parents of children in GME - Dr Inge Birnie on Padlet
Scottish Parliament - Gaelic Word of the Week  (SoundCloud)
Short Scottish Gaelic Clips on YouTube from BBC Alba
*GME = Gaelic Medium Education

Language Learning Apps / Websites
Mango Languages - Scottish Gaelic
Glossika - Scottish Gaelic
Duolingo - Scottish Gaelic
Swiftkey Keyboard
Faclair Mòr - Dictionary (for Ceumannan books) 
Abair Abairtean! - Flashcard phrases for parents and children
Dèan Matamataig - Practice mathematics
Air a' Chloc - Telling Time
Go!Gaelic - Common words around home, school, work, hobbies
Faclair na sgoile - a Gaelic-Gaelic dictionary
History, Research, Linguistics
An Gàidheal Ur - New Gael Newspaper - ran from 1999-2009
ARCOSG - Annotated Corpus of Scottish Gaelic
Schools and Teachers

An Comunn Gàidhealach - The Royal National Mod - Scotland